cas_server.default_settings module

Default values for the app’s settings

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_LOGO_URL = '/static/cas_server/logo.png'

URL to the logo showed in the up left corner on the default templates.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_COMPONENT_URLS = {'bootstrap3_js': '//', 'html5shiv': '//', 'respond': '//', 'bootstrap3_css': '//', 'jquery': '//'}

URLs to css and javascript external components.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_LOGIN_TEMPLATE = 'cas_server/login.html'

Path to the template showed on /login then the user is not autenticated.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_WARN_TEMPLATE = 'cas_server/warn.html'

Path to the template showed on /login?service=... then the user is authenticated and has asked to be warned before being connected to a service.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_LOGGED_TEMPLATE = 'cas_server/logged.html'

Path to the template showed on /login then to user is authenticated.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_LOGOUT_TEMPLATE = 'cas_server/logout.html'

Path to the template showed on /logout then to user is being disconnected.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_REDIRECT_TO_LOGIN_AFTER_LOGOUT = False

Should we redirect users to /login after they logged out instead of displaying CAS_LOGOUT_TEMPLATE.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_AUTH_CLASS = 'cas_server.auth.DjangoAuthUser'

A dotted path to a class or a class implementing cas_server.auth.AuthUser.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_PROXY_CA_CERTIFICATE_PATH = True

Path to certificate authorities file. Usually on linux the local CAs are in /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt. True tell requests to use its internal certificat authorities.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_SLO_MAX_PARALLEL_REQUESTS = 10

Maximum number of parallel single log out requests send if more requests need to be send, there are queued

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_SLO_TIMEOUT = 5

Timeout for a single SLO request in seconds.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_AUTH_SHARED_SECRET = ''

Shared to transmit then using the view cas_server.views.Auth

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_TICKET_VALIDITY = 60

Number of seconds the service tickets and proxy tickets are valid. This is the maximal time between ticket issuance by the CAS and ticket validation by an application.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_PGT_VALIDITY = 3600

Number of seconds the proxy granting tickets are valid.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_TICKET_TIMEOUT = 86400

Number of seconds a ticket is kept in the database before sending Single Log Out request and being cleared.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_TICKET_LEN = 64

All CAS implementation MUST support ST and PT up to 32 chars, PGT and PGTIOU up to 64 chars and it is RECOMMENDED that all tickets up to 256 chars are supports so we use 64 for the default len.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_LT_LEN = 64

alias of settings.CAS_TICKET_LEN

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_ST_LEN = 64

alias of settings.CAS_TICKET_LEN Services MUST be able to accept service tickets of up to 32 characters in length.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_PT_LEN = 64

alias of settings.CAS_TICKET_LEN Back-end services MUST be able to accept proxy tickets of up to 32 characters.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_PGT_LEN = 64

alias of settings.CAS_TICKET_LEN Services MUST be able to handle proxy-granting tickets of up to 64

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_PGTIOU_LEN = 64

alias of settings.CAS_TICKET_LEN Services MUST be able to handle PGTIOUs of up to 64 characters in length.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_LOGIN_TICKET_PREFIX = u'LT'

Prefix of login tickets.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_SERVICE_TICKET_PREFIX = u'ST'

Prefix of service tickets. Service tickets MUST begin with the characters ST so you should not change this.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_PROXY_TICKET_PREFIX = u'PT'

Prefix of proxy ticket. Proxy tickets SHOULD begin with the characters, PT.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_PROXY_GRANTING_TICKET_PREFIX = u'PGT'

Prefix of proxy granting ticket. Proxy-granting tickets SHOULD begin with the characters PGT.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_PROXY_GRANTING_TICKET_IOU_PREFIX = u'PGTIOU'

Prefix of proxy granting ticket IOU. Proxy-granting ticket IOUs SHOULD begin with the characters PGTIOU.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_SQL_HOST = 'localhost'

Host for the SQL server.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_SQL_USERNAME = ''

Username for connecting to the SQL server.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_SQL_PASSWORD = ''

Password for connecting to the SQL server.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_SQL_DBNAME = ''

Database name.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_SQL_DBCHARSET = 'utf8'

Database charset.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_SQL_USER_QUERY = 'SELECT user AS usersame, pass AS password, users.* FROM users WHERE user = %s'

The query performed upon user authentication.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_SQL_PASSWORD_CHECK = 'crypt'

The method used to check the user password. Must be one of "crypt", "ldap", "hex_md5", "hex_sha1", "hex_sha224", "hex_sha256", "hex_sha384", "hex_sha512", "plain".

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_TEST_USER = 'test'

Username of the test user.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_TEST_PASSWORD = 'test'

Password of the test user.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_TEST_ATTRIBUTES = {'nom': 'Nymous', 'alias': ['demo1', 'demo2'], 'prenom': 'Ano', 'email': ''}

Attributes of the test user.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_ENABLE_AJAX_AUTH = False

A bool for activatinc the hability to fetch tickets using javascript.

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_FEDERATE = False

A bool for activating the federated mode

cas_server.default_settings.CAS_FEDERATE_REMEMBER_TIMEOUT = 604800

Time after witch the cookie use for “remember my identity provider” expire (one week).

class cas_server.default_settings.SessionStore(session_key=None)[source]

Bases: django.contrib.sessions.backends.base.SessionBase

SessionStore class depending of SESSION_ENGINE

classmethod clear_expired()[source]

Return a new instance of the session model object, which represents the current session state. Intended to be used for saving the session data to the database.

classmethod get_model_class()[source]

Saves the current session data to the database. If ‘must_create’ is True, a database error will be raised if the saving operation doesn’t create a new entry (as opposed to possibly updating an existing entry).